Friday, April 8, 2011

Sexy Just Got Sexier

Here are a few examples of the progression from the initial shot to the final product.  This is to give an idea of what to expect from our basic editing.  Basic editing/enhancing includes conversion to B&W or Sepia (if desired), skin softening, blemish removal, and facial wrinkle reduction.
Converted to B&W, blemishes removed, skin softened, and body contoured* (*at add'l cost) 
Convertion to B&W, skin softened, and under-eye smoothed

Skin softened and converted to B&W


this is a nice idea for clients to understand that there is a process after the initial session. Good job with the retouching. Very polished

love this! def. very valuable to the customer!

Great share! Nice of the ladies to let you share too. :-)

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Go Blue

Dez's Shoot

Dez's Shoot
This is by far my favorite. I even gave her a free 8x10, I loved it so much
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